Senate Bill 4 will hurt the state
By Andrew Moon | February 10Whether you are a Republican or Democrat, you should be outraged by N.C. Senate Bill 4.
Whether you are a Republican or Democrat, you should be outraged by N.C. Senate Bill 4.
As you’re planning a night out with friends, you start to feel strange. Your throat is sore, your muscles are achy, and you start feeling so bad that you call the night off.
Most college students are less worried about heart disease than looking good enough to break hearts. But there is one key factor that long-term health and attractiveness have in common: maintaining a healthy weight.
In November 2010, a clinical trial reported that yearly CT scans in current and former heavy smokers can reduce the risk of death from lung cancer by 20 percent.
If Vegas took bets on the next worldwide pandemic, the safe money might be on H5N1, better known as the bird flu. Since 2003, the H5N1 virus has killed 340 of the 578 people with confirmed infections. The 1 percent mortality from seasonal flu pales in comparison to H5N1’s deadliness.
Like us mortals, NFL stars get hungover too. Not even Tebow has a magical cure for them. He probably sips Gatorade while “Tebowing” over his toilet.
Congress overcame partisan gridlock for the kids earlier this month, heroically blocking measures that would rob American children of their rights to eat poorly, develop chronic illnesses and die premature deaths. Congress voted down changes proposed by the U.S.
JFK suffered from excruciating spinal instability, severe fatigue and Addison’s disease, a destruction of the adrenal glands with resulting hormone deficiencies. His illnesses required mind-altering medications that could have affected his ability to think clearly.
A camel with black sunglasses walks into a bar. Sitting down, he sees a clown with a yellow jumpsuit, white face paint and red hair, drinking an appletini.
The breast cancer awareness campaign comes with a side effect: It needlessly raises alarm among some young women.