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Saturday, March 22, 2025 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Arianna Holder


Supporters bid on silent-auction items while waiting for a fashion show featuring designer Roxi Suger's Angelrox collection Thursday evening at City Kitchen. All of the funds went to Cornucopia Cancer Support Center and The Peru Project founded by Kyla McConnell, a senior Spanish and German double major.


Osiris Rankin, a senior psychology major, Darius Whitney, a senior political science major, and Dr. Juan Carrillo, an assistant professor in the UNC School of Education, discuss their place in the university setting and the challenges they have faced as minority males at a Carolina Millennial Scholars Program's event entitled "The [Mis]sed Education of the Minority Male" Thursday evening in Wilson Library.


Sydney Browder, a freshman biology major from Rocky Mount, Eric Blaser, a junior business major from Burlington, and Kate Gray, a senior Psychology and French double major from Rocky Mount, meet each week with others for the new club LEAD. Gray says she started LEAD to encourage and facilitate students, especially freshmen, in meeting their longterm professional and personal needs.


Sugarland, the dessert cafe on East Franklin Street, offered customers a four-cupkake special as well as Fondu-for-Two on Valentine's Day.


Paul Jones, UNC Chapel Hill professor in the School of Information and Library Science and the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, decided to stop sorting through the generic messages that he humorously says are sent by robots and gave up the use of email in 2011 for more effective means of communication.


Alyssa Minshall, company founder, and Michelle Temple, project manager, explain the children-focussed mission of Sticker Farm.Alyssa Minshall, company founder, and Michelle Temple, project manager, explain the children-focussed mission of Sticker Farm. The company creates unique collectable stickers and sticker books for kids.


Alyssa Minshall, company founder, and Michelle Temple, project manager, explain the children-focussed mission of Sticker Farm.Alyssa Minshall, company founder, and Michelle Temple, project manager, explain the children-focussed mission of Sticker Farm. The company creates unique collectable stickers and sticker books for kids.


Madiha Bhatti, an English and biology double major, speaks on social media for the "Taking Flight" themed TEDxUNC student speaker finals Thursday night in the Union Great Hall.


Jordan Hale, Political Science and Communication Studies double major, and Kenan Bateman, Journalism and Mass Communication and Communication Studies double major, of the UNC comedy troupe False Profits rehearse Thursday evening in Hanes Arts Center for their debut show, "Wanted," on Sunday.


Mac Fitch, president of Fitch Lumber and Hardware in Carrboro, will be inducted into the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce's first Business Hall of Fame in mid-November.

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