The JNF troubles in East Jerusalem
By Ben Elkind | November 28In just more than a month, thousands of Jewish students from across the country, including 16 from UNC, will depart on winter Birthright trips to Israel.
In just more than a month, thousands of Jewish students from across the country, including 16 from UNC, will depart on winter Birthright trips to Israel.
A political climate of cheap shots and parody means that we fail to see our political energies for building better communities — most recently expressed in the Occupy UNC protests in the Pit — as an opportunity for all of us.
In today’s paper, on page 12, is a provocative advertisement called “The Wall of Lies,” which responds to 10 assertions about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
When Elie Wiesel recently came to UNC, he argued that our generation needs to work together better. And according to Wiesel, that requires “getting everyone in the same room talking.” This Friday morning, the Black Student Movement, the Campus Y, the Carolina Review, Carolina United, College Republicans, Cornerstone, Episcopal Campus Ministry, the Faculty Council, Hillel, Muslim Student Association, NAACP, the Roosevelt Institute and Young Democrats invite the community to the Campus Y for the first three cups of tea, coffee or apple cider.