Slideshow: UNC Young Democrats march for voting
By Brittany Peterson | October 22The UNC Young Democrats marched from the Pit to Morehead Planetarium to rally voters to participate in one-stop early voting.
The UNC Young Democrats marched from the Pit to Morehead Planetarium to rally voters to participate in one-stop early voting.
UNC Nursing Students learned the steps necessary in delivering a baby Wednesday afternoon. The students practiced on a birthing simulator named ""Noelle"" that imitates a live birth.
Senator Obama gives a final speech at UNC-Charlotte on Monday night only hours after his grandmother passed away. Neither the rain nor the cold could compete against Obama's message of hope and change.
The Young Democrats march from the Pit to Morehead Planetarium to encourage people to vote, growing in number and energy along the way.
Members of UNC's Indian dance team, Tarheel Raas, practice a flip in their routine for a nation-wide competition in Atlanta this weekend. The team started just four years ago when students wanted to dance routines native to the Gujrat region of Western India where the Raas Garba style originated.
Senior nursing majors Jamie Cash and Jenna Woodruff wrap a mannequin newborn in a blanket and place it on the mother's stomach to keep it warm. Cash and Woodruff, along with other second year nursing students, practiced delivering a baby on this state-of-the-art mannequin named Noelle to test the effectiveness of this hands-on educational method. Jamie Dupree Cash E-mail: Student Class: Senior College: School Of Nursing Degree: BS In Nursing Department: School of Nursing (4401) Home Address: 245 Erwin Road Chapel Hill, NC 275146856 Jenna Michelle Woodruff E-mail: Student Class: Senior College: School Of Nursing Degree: BS In Nursing Department: School of Nursing (4401) Home Address: 101 Raven Ln Carrboro, NC 275101631 Telephone: (704) 231-6760
Ernie Dollar, right, director of the Preservation Society of Chapel Hill, shows Forest Hazel, Chief of the Occaneechi tribe, artifacts he has found in the yard of the Horace Williams historical house. The artifacts included pieces of pottery, shards of spears and a porcelain doll's leg.
Michael Troy Lewis, 33, sits in court on the first day of his trial on Wednesday. Lewis faces multiple felonies in connection with the December 16th charged kidnapping of three UNC football players.