These five local DJs are bringing soul music to the Triangle
By Cammy Welch | November 19A group of five local DJs are attempting to share their love of soul music throughout the Triangle. And the composition of this group may surprise you.
A group of five local DJs are attempting to share their love of soul music throughout the Triangle. And the composition of this group may surprise you.
Creatives of Color, a student organization, hosted a showcase for people of color to perform comedic routines. The creation of the organization was inspired by a lack of creatives spaces for people of color to interact on UNC's campus give them confidence to move up in the comedy scene.
“It shows the community that we are vested in what we’re doing here and that we’re not just a business."
Intersections, an art show co-hosted by Coulture and Vintage Blue, will highlight the intersections every human faces. This is a stylish event you won't want to miss.
After their first breakout performance on April 2, Blue Lightning gained campuswide attention. They will perform during halftime at the annual Homecoming Powderpuff Game on Oct. 28.