Davis Library will extend hours to 2 a.m.
By Colleen Volz | November 9With exams looming in the not-so-distant future, late-night bookworms can soon rejoice about two extra hours at Davis Library.
With exams looming in the not-so-distant future, late-night bookworms can soon rejoice about two extra hours at Davis Library.
For some students, the attention on the African and Afro-American Studies department has come at a heavy cost.
Educating faculty members about the nuances of the student-run honor system is the first major goal to emerge from the faculty honor system advisory committee. The newly formed committee met for the first time Friday to discuss how the members could best aid the honor system and increase faculty involvement.
In 1963, UNC students mounted a five-year effort against a state law that restricted free speech, and succeeded. That effort was waged against the Speaker Ban Law, which forbade speakers with communist ties from speaking on the University’s campus.
Former UNC-system President Bill Friday was prepared to take a bullet for the 1961 University Day speaker — President John F. Kennedy.
Members of the Board of Trustees’ academic affairs committee questioned what the University is doing to address the support of student athletes at its meeting Wednesday.
With less space in the Student Union available to reserve for student groups during upcoming renovations, Union officials said they are doing their best to accommodate all requests for meeting space.
Chancellor Holden Thorp announced Friday that Karol Kain Gray has been selected to be the University’s next vice chancellor of finance and administration. Her appointment, which is dependent upon a vote by the University’s Board of Trustees at their September meeting, will be effective Dec.
Flashlight. Food. Water. Medicine. Radio. As Hurricane Irene threatens to hit Chapel Hill this weekend, campus emergency officials are recommending that every student has these basic emergency materials on hand.
As 85 students walked into the Union Underground on Tuesday night, they were handed a slip of paper with a date four years in advance: May 9, 2015 — graduation. Though that day might seem distant, administrators want to make sure the University’s first-generation students focus on completing the four-year education that eluded their parents.