Satire: “I didn’t get a ticket to the Duke-UNC game and I’m OK”
By Hannah Kaufman | November 16"To be fair, I did forget to enter the lottery. But that doesn’t matter. The lottery should’ve known how bad I wanted that ticket."
"To be fair, I did forget to enter the lottery. But that doesn’t matter. The lottery should’ve known how bad I wanted that ticket."
"How did we get here? How have these corporations managed to intrude on our lively, bustling campus center? How has our marketplace of ideas turned into a marketplace of bad jewelry, tiny dresses and polo shirts?"
"If you aren’t on the 'UNC Chapel Hill Subleases, Roommates, Off Campus Housing & Apartments Facebook Group', I encourage you to apply today. With a little luck, maybe you can be Facebook group member 33,488."
"You’re on campus one Wednesday afternoon, and something feels off. There’s a rare energy in the air — Gucci perfume with hints of Lululemon — and low whispers of Greek letters seem to be echoing from all corners of the Quad. You’ve been camped out under a tree for hours trying to finish up an assignment, but suddenly, even in the September swelter, every hair on your arm is standing up straight. You feel uneasy and apprehensive."
"As I would soon explain to friends, family, or anyone who would listen, my experience abroad was a blur of new faces and Vueling seat buckles. It was that first bite of patatas bravas, the time I passed the cathedral while a man in a scarf serenaded the square with something that felt like a love song."
"It wasn’t your average, travel-size Kleenex type of cold. It wasn’t COVID-19, strep throat or bronchitis. In fact, it wasn’t anything that modern medicine has ever seen — so rare, in fact, that even our esteemed staff at Campus Health was unable to diagnose it."
"In 2022, there were so many separate vintage markets (Tar Heel Market, Frat Court Flea and Franklin Street Market Fest, to name a few), that there was no way they could all stay in business. They had the exact same concept, clientele and clothes. They were each other’s greatest competition, and something had to give."
"For those of you who don’t know about the listserv emails I’m referring to: consider yourselves lucky. The chain emails began my freshman year. I remember the day vividly: I was sitting in my Morrison dorm room, absentmindedly reorganizing my hand sanitizer and disposable mask collection, when all of a sudden I heard a familiar noise. 'Ping.' And then again. 'Ping.' 'Ping.' 'Ping.' 'Ping.'"
"The Lesshead-Plain Foundation was formed in 1944, one year before the Morehead-Cain. Lenny Lesshead I and Liam Plain created their foundation with five two-dollar bills and a mission to help average UNC students feel successful and appreciated."
"Welcome to my Rate My Professors Roundup. My Rodeo of Rankings. My Rad Review Rendezvous. Below I have included some real reviews I found on Rate My Professors for our beloved Carolina faculty. Okay, fine, some of them are more realistic than others — but feel free to use these as inspiration for future posts of your own."