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Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Hannah Thurman

The Daily Tar Heel

Tuition increases will hurt us too

In the past few weeks of debate concerning the tuition increase, people have been over-careful. Scared of offending the North Carolina residents, out-of-state opponents of the bill have tip-toed around the issue. The proposed increase has settled on 5.2 percent for both in- and out-of-staters, which ostensibly is fair to both groups of students.

The Daily Tar Heel

Musical theater deserves due credit

I secretly like musicals.Probably shouldn’t have said that, right? Whenever I tell people, they give me looks like I’ve just told them I’m in a Nickelback tribute band or have just expressed an interest in naked ice skating. Musician friends of mine shake their heads and judge me. It’s not real art, they say. And furthermore, it’s kind of embarrassing.

The Daily Tar Heel

Way down on MLK, visual art stands out

At first glance you might think UNC’s visual arts students get the short end of the stick. You’d be wrong. Sure, they have to buy their own paint and clay, and their art lab is farther down Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard than Carolina North.In fact, as a musician whose biggest inconvenience is having to re-rack stands after orchestra, I originally felt vicariously enraged for my fellow artists-in-arms when I heard where their art lab was. Aren’t sculptors people too? Why not make the philosophy department hold their classes two miles north of campus?

The Daily Tar Heel

Sound of sleep is classical music

I guarantee you’ll sleep through tonight’s UNC Symphony Orchestra concert. No, we’re not playing Bach. As part of the University’s 10x10 project, in which 10 new works are commissioned for 10 different UNC ensembles in — you guessed it — 10 years, Michael Gandolfi has written a symphonic work about the formation of dreams.

The Daily Tar Heel

No great ‘honor’ in Carolina program

Today I celebrated the one-month anniversary of dropping my e-mail address from the honorsinfo3 listserv. And it feels great.For the past two years, the honors program has consistently disappointed me, underwhelmed me and made me question whether our University doesn’t deserve something at least a little better. But it wasn’t always like this. When I got my acceptance letter in 12th grade, I was overjoyed. Not only had I been admitted to the University itself, but with my admission came an invitation to the most elite academic clique, the honors program.

The Daily Tar Heel

Varsity is integral to UNC experience

The first Saturday night of my freshman year, my friends and I consulted the maps we’d gotten at C-TOPS and made the long trek up to Franklin Street to see “Superbad.” Before I’d lofted my bed or memorized my PID or figured out that the last three words of the fight song weren’t “Rah, rah, rah,” I’d already had my first real Carolina experience: going to the Varsity Theater. The Varsity — which closed this summer after more than 80 years of Carolina students showing up late and talking through the previews — was an icon.

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