Word on the Street: What kind of food is Carrboro missing?
By Isaac Carter | March 18City & State Staff Writer Isaac Carter asked Carrboro residents what cuisines they wish they could find in town.
City & State Staff Writer Isaac Carter asked Carrboro residents what cuisines they wish they could find in town.
Nearly 10 percent more of public schools students enrolled in a College and Career Promise course during the 2023-24 school year compared to the prior year.
The station will take up five acres of the 20-acre parcel. The other 15 acres will likely be developed into affordable housing, commercial spaces and other infrastructural needs.
“Essentially, our message is we just want to direct people to their local NCWorks Career Centers, because that's the boots on the ground who can help them, help those folks to get back to work, because that will be what we need,” Andrew Beal, the communications manager for the Division of Workforce Solutions within the North Carolina Department of Commerce said.
The fried chicken chain is set to open a new location on 127 East Franklin Street between Blue Horn Lounge and Cold Stone Creamery.
"There’s no one-size-fits-all answer in terms of what causes or constitutes a snow day," CHCCS Chief Communications Officer Andy Jenks said.
The North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management and UNC's School of Government worked together to create a program to improve participants’ understanding of state budgeting. The first cohort just finished their three-week course, and applications for the February session and now open.
Libby Gorman Williams has been inducted into the N.C. Livestock Hall of Fame as a display of her life's work as an equestrian.
The CoGen project looks to transform out-of-service rail lines into hotspots for economic and community development that connect Chapel Hill, Carrboro and southern Orange County.
The recipient of the award, Layla Allen, began teaching environmental science at Cedar Ridge High School full-time in August 2023 before becoming an English as a Second Language teacher this year.