Kenan Theatre Company puts on 'At the Wedding'
By Jaya Nadella | March 3“At the Wedding,” a comically expressive and heartfelt production written by Bryna Turner, follows the character Carlo as she attends the wedding of her ex-partner.
“At the Wedding,” a comically expressive and heartfelt production written by Bryna Turner, follows the character Carlo as she attends the wedding of her ex-partner.
Savannah Matthews and Ava West double as UNC students and Depop ambassadors, promoting sustainable fashion and organizing fashion events on campus.
The band is made up of five members: juniors Jackson Miller, Joseph Sharpe and Will Albright, senior Noah Hancock and alum Will Rutledge.
On Sundays at 6 p.m., Recess Yoga in Carrboro hosts a free meditation club.
Looking to 2025 and beyond, readers and creators alike have the opportunity to amplify stories that create further empathy and understanding of different perspectives.
On Wednesday evening, the Grammy award-winning Silkroad Ensemble came to Memorial Hall to perform music honoring the workers of the transcontinental railroad.
Various on-campus a capella groups are preparing to perform their fall showcases, including the Loreleis, Walk-Ons and Tar Heel Voices. Other a capella groups have already performed their fall shows, including the Clef Hangers, Psalm 100, Tarpeggios and Cadence.
With its origins in Madison, Wisconsin, "Haunted Road on Rossburn Way" came to Chapel Hill a couple of years ago when the founders, Jon Baumler and his wife, moved to the area. The event was held on Saturday, and will return on Halloween.
On Friday, visiting artist Lorena Molina spoke at the Hanes Art Center for an event titled "Balancing Act on Home, Art, and Academia: A Reckoning From the Margins." Molina drew on her past experiences growing up in and being displaced from El Salvador to create performance art that explores her identity and challenges societal power structures.
The eighth annual Paint it Orange competition started on Sep. 27 and will adjudicate artists on Friday at the Eno Arts Mill gallery in Hillsborough, followed by a Wet Paint Sale Party where artists' work will be available for sale to the public.
The Silkroad Ensemble performed their newest show, “American Railroad,” in Memorial Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 20. 2024.