The Daily Tar Heel
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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Jenny Immel

The Daily Tar Heel

West Invokes King's Memory

Renowned scholar Cornel West told audience members Tuesday night that if Martin Luther King Jr. was still alive, he would not be pleased with the state of race relations. Not a single seat remained empty in the cramped auditorium as roughly 700 people listened earnestly to West at the 22nd annual Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration. Sporadic laughter and nods of affirmation and agreement broke an anxious silence Tuesday as West remembered and honored King.

The Daily Tar Heel

Faculty Willing to Pay Based on Sliding Scale

Although higher parking costs could be on the horizon for everyone at UNC, a proposal for steering permit increases over the next few years is garnering initial support from the campus community. UNC's Advisory Committee on Transportation finalized a proposal Wednesday calling for a sliding-scale permit price increase to help offset the cost of long-term construction projects. The proposed scale would require those with higher salaries to pay more for parking. The entire proposal still must be approved by UNC's vice chancellors and then by the Board of Trustees.

The Daily Tar Heel

Some Projects Finish, But Construction Goes On

The eye-catching orange fence and ear-piercing sounds of reversing trucks around Murphey Hall disappeared for this semester as the 1 1/2-year renovation project came to a close Dec. 30. But construction across campus remains far from over. The $6.7 million project at Murphey finished behind the projected November 2002 finish date but early enough to allow faculty to teach classes there this semester.

The Daily Tar Heel

Candidates Meet to Discuss New Rules

Nine hopeful candidates were in attendance Tuesday night at the first interest meeting for next semester's student elections. The meeting was the first time the Board of Elections has met with future candidates to discuss the new rules under the Larson-Daum Campaign Reform Act of 2002. The act, passed Nov. 12, changed the overall design of student elections. Most notably, the new laws now require candidates to fund their campaign only with money allocated by Student Congress. They also raised the number of signatures required for students to file a valid petition for candidacy.

The Daily Tar Heel

Students in Seminar Present Views on Curriculum

The five student participants in the seminar designed to study possible changes to UNC's curriculum made their final presentations Tuesday after examining texts and other colleges' curricula. Students, who earned an hour of pass/D/fail credit for participating, expressed mixed feelings on the proposal. Students unanimously opposed the elimination of the swim test and physical education requirement, saying they are longstanding traditions that set UNC apart from other schools. The proposed curriculum would replace the physical education requirement with a wellness course.

The Daily Tar Heel

New Study Plans to Dig Deeper Into Faculty Salary Disparities

A further study of faculty salary disparities that should be completed by the end of the semester could result in pay changes for UNC faculty members. Provost Robert Shelton announced the process for addressing faculty salary gaps by gender and by race at the UNC Board of Trustees' University Affairs Committee meeting Wednesday.

The Daily Tar Heel

AIDS Week at UNC Features Variety Of Events, Drives

AIDS will create an estimated 40 million orphans worldwide by 2010, reported the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS Foundation this summer. This amount equals the number of children in the U.S. public school system. Today marks the beginning of World AIDS Week, an event designed to spread awareness of HIV/AIDS, as well as provide an opportunity for people to give money and food to those who have contracted the disease.

The Daily Tar Heel

Arrest Made in Laptop Thefts

The suspect in three recent campus laptop robberies was arrested Wednesday night after turning himself in to the University police. UNC freshman Andrew Marcum, 18, was charged with two counts of felony larceny and one count of attempted felony larceny. The larcenies occurred at Morehead Laboratories on Oct. 1 and the Undergraduate Library on Oct. 3.

The Daily Tar Heel

Committee Refuses to Endorse Reform Act

The Rules and Judiciary Committee of Student Congress made a minor change to the Larson-Daum Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2002 on Tuesday. But in the end, inconclusive debate about another aspect of the legislation forced members to vote against supporting it. The comprehensive student election reform legislation still will be brought before Congress for final approval next week, but it lacks the support of Congress' most powerful committee. The act, proposed last week by Speaker Tony Larson and Student Body President Jen Daum, would alter the format of student government electio

The Daily Tar Heel

'No' to New Era Awaits Approval From 3 on LLCAC

After a second meeting of UNC's Licensing Labor Code Advisory Committee, a majority of members concluded that New Era has more work to do before UNC will reinstate its licensing contract. Committee members want the major sports apparel manufacturer to revise its contract with employees before UNC will reinstate its contract, worth $900,000 in retail value. But the recommendation is not final until three absent committee members meet to discuss the issue, said Rut Tufts, LLCAC co-chairman and UNC's director of trademarks and licensing.

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