Chapel Hill Underground
By Joseph Chapman | March 14No matter how much napkin you shove in your ear, the P.A. system at Chapel Hill Underground on Rosemary Street is still going to hurt.
No matter how much napkin you shove in your ear, the P.A. system at Chapel Hill Underground on Rosemary Street is still going to hurt.
In a dusty enclave at the end of the month, surrounded by stacks of comic book-filled cardboard boxes, Andrew Neal was sifting through forms and ticking boxes, readying the next order for Chapel Hill Comics on Franklin Street.
On the third floor of Kenan Music Building, next to classrooms filled with rows of digital pianos, students in Introduction to Music Technology meet with their laptops and headphones to compose a new type of music with a different type of piano.
Call them beer snobs and they’ll likely agree — craft beer and homebrew enthusiasts are known for their discriminating palettes and particular distaste for corporate brews.
Damian Hess’ qualifications in nerdom make him the stuff of Internet legends: He designed gorey.ttf, a typeface based on the handwriting of artist and writer Edward Gorey. He has asthma and was a web designer before he launched his full-time music career. But his crowning achievement comes as the pioneer of nerdcore, a slightly less serious subgenre of hip-hop that is perhaps the antithesis to big personas and overproduced egos.
Stephen Murray, banjo player, guitarist and vocalist for Holy Ghost Tent Revival is playing with a few bandmates to support Mike Quinn at this weekend’s Shakori Hills Grassroots Festival of Music & Dance. He recently talked to Diversions Editor Joseph Chapman about the group’s recent shake-up in its lineup, and its plans for the festival.
Last Thursday night, for the first time in my college career, I ventured to East Franklin Street to climb the stairs of Players and catch the opening night of the Southeastern Electronic Music Festival known simply as Signalfest.
If you’ve always dreamt of making your own dubstep drop, don’t miss the tutorials going on Thursday and Saturday as a part of Signal Fest.
Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Four Walls of Raiford” tells the story of an innocent man charged with armed robbery escaping from the miserable Florida State Prison.
Megafaun’s eponymous release represents a departure from what was expected of the once fully bearded trio.
A member of the Flaming Lip’s production crew aims a confetti cannon above the crowd at Moogfest 2011.