Chapel Hill prepares to celebrate the Fourth of July
By Kyle Hodges and Sarah Vassello | July 2Tuesday, Arts & Culture Editor Sarah Vassello and Visual Editor Kyle Hodges asked people on campus about their Fourth of July plans.
Tuesday, Arts & Culture Editor Sarah Vassello and Visual Editor Kyle Hodges asked people on campus about their Fourth of July plans.
Sunday, University Editor Stephanie Lamm asked graduating seniors to explain the designs they'd used in alterations of their graduation camps.
A UNC worker takes down Saunders' name from Carolina Hall in 2015.
A UNC worker takes down Saunders' name from Carolina Hall on June 3, 2015.
Workers clean the Silent Sam memorial on campus after it was spray painted in July 2015. The memorial was painted with “black lives matter."
Kiana Cole, turkey, and Alison Krug, human woman, are the writers of You Asked for It.
On Monday August 10, 2015, the Department of Public Safety held an emergency response drill in response to a communication failure that happened in July 2015.
The Krave Kava Bar at 103 W. Main St. in Carrboro provides an alcohol alternative for anyone 18 and older.
Jane Wester has been chosen as the 2016-17 editor-in-chief for The Daily Tar Heel. Wester is a history major from Charlotte.
Alison Krug is a junior journalism major from Concord. She wrote her platform while stuck in a hunting lodge full of taxidermy.
Junior Sarah Vassello is a junior journalism major who was probably thinking about dogs while this picture was being taken.
Jane Wester is a junior history major from Charlotte. She’s really excited to live with a German shepherd next year.