Q&A with UNC alumnus and musician Veronica Davanzo
By Liza Zhytkova | July 26This incoming UNC dental student is making her mark in the music scene.
This incoming UNC dental student is making her mark in the music scene.
For the past 23 years, Smith has helped organize events that have raised more than $1.4 million for the Special Olympics.
“I think about World War II. So many people took a vow of silence once they did something heroic and never talked about it their whole lives.”
Jones most recently worked as city manager for Charlottesville, VA for eight years.
Rent at Greenfield Place ranges from $271 to $870.
“I was not responsive to my environment for many years, but because of Club Nova I was able to re-socialize.”
Many residents proposed ideas to manage congestion by Rams Plaza and left turns onto 15-501.
Cedar Ridge High School joined East Chapel Hill High in the trend of missing varsity football teams.
At the final vote for next year's budget, the Chapel Hill Town Council decreased the added tax from 3 cents to 2.
Lula's, Spanky's replacement, hopes to be a more down to earth restaurant with inexpensive meals.
Sunflower Bean, a rock band from New York, played at Cat's Cradle on June 3.
The Town of Chapel Hill's parking lots are transitioning to a pre-paid system.
A sand mandala was constructed by Tibetan monks across five days starting May 15 as part of the Sacred Arts tour.
We know it's UNC – and we need your help to prove it.