Farewell Column: You've heard of an Irish exit. Here's a Danish farewell
By Marie Thamdrup | December 3A farewell from opinion writer Marie Thamdrup before she heads home to Copenhagen.
A farewell from opinion writer Marie Thamdrup before she heads home to Copenhagen.
So please, male cheerleaders, take off your clothes!
But until all of this is changed, you should remember to vote in the upcoming local election on November 5th. The Woman Suffrage Movement and the Civil Rights Movement did not fight for universal suffrage for you to stay away from the voting booth, and you should care about exercising that right.
A reply to the former opinion editor at the Daily Tar Heel's response to the column about social democracy.
"Right now, the American system is structured in a way that helps a few rich people become richer, which I honestly think is undemocratic."