By Mitali Samant and Lieth Khatib | November 13
Christian Prosperi, sophomore member of the Wordsmiths, rehearses one of his poems on Wednesday afternoon.
Christian Prosperi, sophomore member of the Wordsmiths, rehearses one of his poems on Wednesday afternoon.
Junior Resita Cox, president and member of EROT, rehearses on Wednesday afternoon for her upcoming performance.
Sumeet Patwardhan, artistic director for EROT, directs during rehearsal on Wednesday afternoon.
Student Action with Workers (SAW) is a campus organization which aims to earn safe, fair working conditions for workers in UNC apparel. On Wednesday evening, a group of students from SAW attend a forum with Tom Ross, president of the UNC system, to discuss working conditions for workers in Bangladesh and the Bangladeshi safety accord.
ArtHeels, an organization of students that participates in art-therapy for mental illnesses, held a game of "Messy Twister" with colorful paint on Wednesday afternoon in the pit for students to de-stress during midterms.