The Daily Tar Heel
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Saturday, March 15, 2025 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Sara Parsons

The Daily Tar Heel

Student Sought for Sideline Mike Man Job

Wanted: Outgoing, spontaneous student to take to platform before 15,000 to 20,000 screaming Tar Heel fans. Collaboration with spirited marching band and cheerleaders and Saturday hours required. The applicant must have own sense of humor and infectious enthusiasm for UNC football. No experience necessary. It might not be the dream career of a graduating senior. It might not be the ideal part-time job for students who like to go home on the weekends.

The Daily Tar Heel

SBPs: Where Are They Now?

The hype is over, the limelight dimmed, the curtain closed. Former UNC Student Body Presidents Nic Heinke, Reyna Walters and Mo Nathan passed their torches on long ago.Now, the three have forged on in the working world, taking valuable lessons from their experiences into life after graduation. In the end, all agree their year in office turned out to be much more than a lofty resume credential, and they advise the future office holder to view it as such. Nic HeinkeOnly a year ago, Nic Heinke spoke for students in board meetings and lobbied for their issues in Raleigh.

The Daily Tar Heel

Are You Final-ly Ready?

Your palms sweat, and your heart pounds. Your eyes droop lazily as they focus on page after page of material you should have started to study weeks ago. Facts and figures swim in your head while distractions float in and out of your thoughts.The hours remaining before the exam dwindle as you drown in a choppy sea of anxiety and stress -- with no lifeline in sight.Chances are, you aren't alone in this predicament.William Knaus, a psychologist, estimates that 90 percent of college students procrastinate.

The Daily Tar Heel

Push-Up Guy Pumps Up Crowd

When six points are added to the score of UNC's football team, Wayne Cottrell knows it's time to get ready. Five to eight male cheerleaders in Carolina-blue uniforms gather near the band, grab a plywood board, lower it so Cottrell can get on and hoist him up high above their heads for the crowd to see. As UNC fans go crazy and shout, "One ... two ... three," Cottrell's arms lower and raise his body on the crowd's calls, doing push-ups to match the number of points the Tar Heels have racked up.

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Special Print Edition
The Daily Tar Heel for Wednesday, February 5, 2025