The Daily Tar Heel
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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Sarah Dixon

The Daily Tar Heel

A Trip Back in Time

Spanish moss hangs thick off the trees. A horse-drawn carriage clops down the street past century-old plantation houses and historic churches. The salty smell of the sea is everywhere. Is this a tropical paradise? No, this is Charleston. And it's only a five-hour drive from Franklin Street. Often called the "living museum," Charleston blends rich history and culture with a surprisingly chic and sophisticated metropolitan feel.

The Daily Tar Heel

A Hairy Situation: Girls Lop for Love

Usually when a girl goes for a haircut, she goes to a salon. But today, more than 30 girls will cut their hair in the Pit. And instead of being swept into a dustpan, the hair will be made into wigs through the Locks of Love organization for children who have lost their hair. "Many patients suffer from alopecia, a disease causing the loss of hair," said Kathleen Cason, Locks of Love spokeswoman. "There are different types of the disorder, but there is often a complete loss of all body hair."

The Daily Tar Heel

Masters of Their Draft

When a bartender slides a foamy, frosty pint of beer across the counter, there are many things going through the wide-eyed recipient's mind. The month it took to brew the beer about to be chugged is probably not one of these things. "On the surface, (brewing beer is) a really simple process," said John Withey, brewmaster at Top of the Hill. "But in reality there are a lot of complicated things going into the process, into the beer." Top of the Hill and Carolina Brewery, both on Franklin Street, are the only two microbreweries in the Chapel Hill area.

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